Course curriculum
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Humorous Executive Order Video
What is an executive order?
Other presidential actions include:
Executive orders, explained
Article II of the Constitution
Chapter 1 Quiz
Organization of executive orders
Components of an executive order
Components of an executive order
Components of an executive order
Executive Order Example
Links to Executive Orders
Chapter 2 Quiz
"take care that the laws be faithfully executed"
A Super-Power Presidency Is Unconstitutional
What is an executive order?
Chapter 3 Quiz
Nullifying an executive order
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Executive Order 10340 (1942)
By Virtue: Three Executive Orders that Shaped American Law
Chapter 4 Quiz
Early history of the executive order (1789-1900)
Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation
Chapter 5 Quiz

About this course
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