Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Humorous Executive Order Video

    2. What is an executive order?

    3. Other presidential actions include:

    4. Executive orders, explained

    5. Article II of the Constitution

    6. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Organization of executive orders

    2. Components of an executive order

    3. Components of an executive order

    4. Components of an executive order

    5. Executive Order Example

    6. Links to Executive Orders

    7. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. "take care that the laws be faithfully executed"

    2. A Super-Power Presidency Is Unconstitutional

    3. What is an executive order?

    4. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. Nullifying an executive order

    2. Legislative Branch

    3. Judicial Branch

    4. Executive Order 10340 (1942)

    5. By Virtue: Three Executive Orders that Shaped American Law

    6. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. Early history of the executive order (1789-1900)

    2. Emancipation Proclamation

    3. Emancipation Proclamation

    4. Chapter 5 Quiz

About this course

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