Course curriculum
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Video: The Federalists versus the Anti-Federalists
Why was there an argument?
Federalist View
Anti-Federalist Views
Why was the Bill of Rights significant?
How did the Compromise Happen?
Video: The Constitution-Our Bill of Rights
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
What is Due Process?
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Amendment 8
Amendment 9
Amendment 10
FEE Article: Rights
Video: The Bill of Rights
Video: The Fifth Amendment
Due Process Amendments
How does the Bill of Rights affect daily life?
FEE Article: What are Individual Rights?
Are Rights Absolute?
What are the Boundaries of Individual Rights?
Schenck v. U.S
Article: Before Drafting the Bill of Rights, James Madison Argued the Constitution Was Fine Without It
What would be different in the United States?
How would the government operate differently?
About this course
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