Standard 1: Scarcity Economics On-Demand PD
Productive resources are limited. Therefore, people cannot have all the goods and services they want; as a result, they must choose some things and give up others.
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Content Standard 1: Scarcity
Grade 4 Benchmarks
Grade 8 Benchmarks
Grade 12 Benchmarks
Chapter 1 Quiz
What is Scarcity?
Economics is About...
Teaching Tip
Most Everything is Scarce
EconQuotes: Scarcity
Thomas Sowell
“Free Everything” and the First Law of Politics
Common Sense Soapbox “Scarcity is Real and It's Not Going Away”
Teaching Tip
Scarcity YouTube Playlist
Economic Wants
Teaching Tip
Productive Resources
The Four Factors of Production
Productive Resources (Land, Labor, Capital)
Chapter 4 Quiz
Teaching Tip: Scarcity v. Shortage
Read: Time is money when you're paid by the hour
Quiz: Time is money when you're paid by the hour
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Teaching Tip