Course curriculum

    1. Course Entry Survey

    2. Let's get it started

    1. Content Standard 20: Fiscal and Monetary Policy

    2. Benchmarks

    1. Fiscal Policy

    2. Survey: Tax Policies

    3. Video: Fiscal Voter's Guide

    4. Fiscal Policy and Taxes

    5. Video: Three Basic Tax Types

    1. Video: The Fiscal Multiplier

    2. Economic Impact of Fiscal Policy

    3. Video: Best Case Scenario

    4. Quiz: Economic Impact of Fiscal Policy

    1. Deficit Spending

    2. Video: Fiscal Policy and Crowding Out

    3. Quiz: The Impact of Crowding Out

    4. Video: Deficits and Debts

    5. Survey: New U.S National Debt Clock

    6. National Debt

    7. Survey: National Debt

    1. Video: The Fed in Five

    2. The Federal Reserve

    3. Video: The Federal Reserve

    4. What is Monetary Policy?

    5. Video: Raising Interest Rates and Inflation

    6. Changing Interest Rates

    7. Video: The Fed in Action

    8. Quiz: Proper Policy Approaches

About this course

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