Course curriculum

    1. Course Entry Survey

    2. Let's get it started

    1. Content Standard 5: Trade

    2. Grade 4 Benchmarks

    3. Grade 8 Benchmarks

    4. Grade 12 Benchmarks

    1. Barter & Voluntary Exchange

    2. Dodgers pitcher Joe Kelly wears mariachi jacket to White House I ABC7

    3. Teaching Tip: Ripped Off

    4. Free Market Economics: Why Do We Exchange Things? - Learn Liberty

    5. Teaching Tip: Play the Trading Game

    6. Voluntary Trade is Win-Win!

    1. Exports & Imports

    2. What is a trade deficit, anyway?

    3. The Economic Analysis of Trade Deficits and Capital Surpluses

    4. US brands Vietnam, Switzerland as currency manipulators

    5. US brands Vietnam, Switzerland as currency manipulators Quiz

    1. Trade Barriers

    2. Tariffs explained

    3. We Just Got Proof that Americans, Not China, Are Paying for the Tariffs

    4. The Tax On Trucks | Planet Money | NPR

    5. Whirlpool Took Tariffs for a Spin, Ended Up With Tumbling Sales

    6. Teaching Tip: Play Tic-Tac-Toe Tariff

    7. Why Is There Corn in Your Coke?

    8. A Short History of U.S. Trade Wars

    9. Teaching Tip: Trump's Trade War

    1. Buy American?

    2. John Stossel - Buy American

    3. Buy Reno?

    4. It's More Important to Be American than to Buy American

    5. Teaching Tip: Sweatshops

    6. Tariff Opinion

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