Course curriculum

    1. Course Entry Survey

    2. Let's get it started

    1. Content Standard 6: Specialization

    2. Grade 4 Benchmarks

    3. Grade 8 Benchmarks

    4. Grade 12 Benchmarks

    1. How to Make a $1500 Sandwich in Only 6 Months

    2. Specialization

    3. I, Pencil: The Movie

    4. I, Pencil Extended Commentary: Trade and Specialization

    5. Lesson Plan: I, Pencil

    6. Lesson Plan: I, Pencil

    7. Teaching Tip: Freakonomics

    8. Seamus Explains Specialization to Guy on the Couch

    9. Specialization and Trade, Explained

    10. Does the Division of Labor Make Us Stupid?

    11. Specialization & Mental Health

    12. The Essential Adam Smith: Labour Markets

    1. Interdependence Promotes Growth

    2. Why We Trade

    3. OneRedPaperClip ABC 20/20

    4. Play OEC Trivia Game

    5. Free Trade Creates Prosperity

    1. Absolute & Comparative Advantage

    2. The Benefits Of International Trade: Econ-1 with John Taylor

    3. Increasing Wealth Does Not Require a Producer to be the Largest in Output Volume

    4. A Classic Example: Absolute and Comparative Advantages

    5. Draw Me The Economy: What is comparative advantage ?

    6. Comparative Advantage Homework

    7. How Trade Helps Each Side

    8. Friedman Fundamentals: Free Trade And Dropping Tariffs

    9. Bob Gets Himself Into a Patriotic Trade War

    10. Free Trade Agreements

    1. Transaction Costs

    2. Essential Coase: What Are Transaction Costs?

    3. Lines Form At GameStop As Shoppers Wait For PS5, XBox Series X

    4. Transaction Costs Response

    5. Transaction Costs and the Progress of Humanity

    6. Role of Government

    7. Teacher Tip: YouTube Playlist

    8. Cheers To You!

    9. Course Exit Survey - Made in the USA

About this course

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