Course curriculum

    1. Course Entry Survey

    2. Let's get it started

    1. Content Standard 7: Markets & Prices

    2. Grade 4 Benchmarks

    3. Grade 8 Benchmarks

    4. Grade 12 Benchmarks

    1. Markets

    2. Lumber prices plunge 12% to new 2022 lows as wood inventories start to pile up

    3. Teaching Tip

    4. Supply and Demand Interact

    5. Teaching Tip: It's a Wonderful Loaf

    1. How Prices Keep Us from Squandering Resources

    2. Prices as a Communication Tool

    3. Role of Prices

    4. Teaching Tip: eBay

    5. Everything Has its Price (And That's A Good Thing) | Learn Liberty

    6. Everything Has its Price Quiz

    7. Teaching Tip: Ripped Off

    8. Equilibrium

    9. The Equilibrium Price and Quantity

    10. Prices Survey Question

    1. Taxes & Subsidies

    2. Government Manipulation of Prices

    3. Seattle’s Nanny-State Soda Tax Backfired Spectacularly (And Hilariously) New Study Shows

    4. Unintended Consequences Response

    5. The Many Restrictions Placed on Free Markets | Friedman Fundamentals

    6. Teacher Licensing

    1. Shortage

    2. How the baby formula shortage happened

    3. How Government Created the Baby Formula Shortage—and a Black Market for 'Unapproved' European Imports

    4. Baby Food Shortage Response

    5. Shortage Graphs

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